
Research studies


It is a small deciduous tree attaining 2 to 6 m in height having oblong or ovate leaves with a shining surface.  The production of this fruit has attracted several growers for its low cultivation cost, drought tolerance and export potential.


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Disease Management & Diagnosis!

Leaf and Fruit spot
Pseudocercospora puniceae (Henn.) Deighton)



This is a very serious disease of pomegranate plants affecting leaf and fruits. Pathogen causes irregular, scattered, yellowish spots on leaves having a halo around at the early stage, subsequently the spots increase in size and form bigger patches and become blackish. The lesions are covered with dull white crust of fungal growth. Severe infection of the disease leads to defoliation and hampers plant growth. On flower buds brownish black irregular small spots appear which grow in size along with the fruit. Spots become deeper and more prominent. At greenish stage of fruit, reddish irregular dots/spots develop on the fruits. The spots get covered with deposit of ash colored spores under favorable humid conditions. Mature fruits show numerous black, irregular, slightly corky patches of the infected hard necrotic tissue. Severely infected fruits show cracking at times. Disease is severe in high humidity areas and during rainy season.


Management :

Hexaconazole (Contaf 0.1%) or carbendazim (Bavistin 0.1%) or thiophanate methyl (Topsin M or Roko 0.1%) sprayings control the disease. First spray at flower bud stage and subsequently 8-9 sprays at 7-10 days interval depending upon the weather conditions. Among non-systemic fungicide Chlorothalonil (Kavach 0.2%) or Mancozeb (Indofil Dithane M 45 0.2%) also check the disease.



Best Pomegranate Plan Here

Degined and developed by Reena Rosy Thomas & MK Chandra Prakash

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