
Research studies


It is a small deciduous tree attaining 2 to 6 m in height having oblong or ovate leaves with a shining surface.  The production of this fruit has attracted several growers for its low cultivation cost, drought tolerance and export potential.


Farmers Help Desk


Farmers can utilize the services by posting queries through e-mails, telephones on scientific practices and make pomegranate cultivation profitable.

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Pomegranate Crop Management & Diagnosis!



After pruning apply about, FYM-30 kg, Neem cake-1kg, Caster cake 0.5 kg, Vermi compost - 2kg, Super phosphate -1kg, DAP-500g, Magnesium sulphate -200g, Borax -20g and Phorate - 25g per plant. After 1 month/flowering apply about 250 g of Ammonium sulphate and 750g 19:19:19 per plant. At lemon size of fruits, apply 250g of Ammonium sulphate , 250 g DAP and 250 g potash per plant. Three months after flowering provide 500 g each of DAP and Potash per plant.

Fertigation and foliar sprays of nutrients:
Where the farmers are having venturi system, instead of soil application of fertilizers they can go for fertigation with following schedule.

Name of the Fertilizer Quantity/ha Days of application from pruning- alternate days
Mono Ammonium Posphate (MAP)- 12:61:0 1.5  kg 10 to 20        
Calcium Nitrate

2.0 kg

10 to 20
Complex 19:19:19 500 g

31 to 40

Potassium Dihydrogen Ortho Phosphate - 0:52:34 1.0 kg 41 to 50 61 to70 91 to 100 111 to 120 131 to 140
Potassium Nitrate- KNO3-13:0:45 1.0 kg 51 to 60 81 to 90      
Potassium Sulphate- 0:0:50 1.0 kg 71 to 80 101 to 110 121 to 130 141 to 150
Zinc sulphate (2g)+Borax (1g)+Calcium Nitrate (2g)   50th day        
Zinc sulphate (2g)+Borax (1g)+Calcium Nitrate (2g)   80th  day        
Magnisium Sulpahte (2g)+ Ferrosus Sulphate (2g)+ Maganaese Sulphate (2g)+ Boric Acid (1g)   Before flowering During flowering After fruit set    








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