
Research studies


It is a small deciduous tree attaining 2 to 6 m in height having oblong or ovate leaves with a shining surface.  The production of this fruit has attracted several growers for its low cultivation cost, drought tolerance and export potential.


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Farmers can utilize the services by posting queries through e-mails, telephones on scientific practices and make pomegranate cultivation profitable.

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Pest Management & Diagnosis!

Pomegranate butterfly, Deudorix isocrates (Fab.)


Symptoms :

The conspicuous symptoms of damage are offensive smell and excreta of caterpillars oozing out of the entry holes, with the excreta found stuck.  The affected fruits eventually fall down.

  • Remove and destroy all the affected fruits (fruits with exit holes).
  • Control:
  • Spray Decamethrin @ 1ml/litre at the time when more than 50% fruits have set. Repeat after two weeks with carbaryl @ 4 g/L or Fenvalerate @ 1ml/litre in non-rainy season. Quinalphos @ 2.5ml/litre is also effective. The number of sprays depends on severity of infestation.

·         Remove flowering weeds especially of compositae family.


Best Pomegranate Plan Here

Degined and developed by Reena Rosy Thomas & MK Chandra Prakash

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