
Research studies


It is a small deciduous tree attaining 2 to 6 m in height having oblong or ovate leaves with a shining surface.  The production of this fruit has attracted several growers for its low cultivation cost, drought tolerance and export potential.


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Pest Management & Diagnosis!

1.      Thrips, Rhipiphorothirps cruentatus Hood, Scirtothrips dorsalisHood



Symptoms :

Thrips rasp tender fruits; causing scab on them and thereby reducing market and export value. Thrips infestation is often seen on leaves and also on young fruits causing characteristic scab on fruits



  • Control:

    Spraying dimethoate 2ml/litre or fipronil 1 ml/litre or imidacloprid 0.3ml/litre or thiamethoxam 0.3g/litre prior to flowering is important.
  • If serious, a spray of acephate 1.5 g/litre should be repeated after fruit set. The subsequent sprays for borer limit thrips build-up. 
  • Keeping the basins clean also reduces damage due to thrips.
  •  A follow-up spray of Azadirachtin @ 3ml/litre is useful. 
  • The numbers of sprays depend on the pest severity.


Best Pomegranate Plan Here

Degined and developed by Reena Rosy Thomas & MK Chandra Prakash

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